Friday, 4 October 2013

Name Scientific Studies

Acology Study of medical remedies

Adenology Study of glands

Aerology Study of the atmosphere

Agrology Study of agricultural soils

Anesthesiology Study of anesthetics

Anatomy Study of the structure of living things

Anthropobiology Study of the natural history of the human species

Anthropology Study of humanity

Apiology Study of bees

Arachnology Study of spiders

Archaeology Study of human activity in the past

Astrology Study of influence of stars on people

Astronomy Study of celestial bodies

Auxology Study of growth

Barology Study of gravitation

Bibliology Study of books

Biology Study of life

Botany Study of plants

Bromatology Study of food

Brontology Study of thunder

Calorifics Study of heat

Cardiology Study of the heart

Carpology Study of fruit

Chemistry Study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter

Cosmology Study of the universe

Cryptology Study of codes

Dactylography Study of fingerprints

Dendrology Study of trees

Dermatology Study of skin

Desmology Study of ligaments

Ecology Study of environment

Economics Study of material wealth

Edaphology Study of soils

Entomology Study of insects

Floristry Study of cultivating and selling flowers

Geoponics Study of agriculture

Graphology Study of handwriting

Helminthological Study of worms

Hematology Study of blood

Hydrogeology Study of ground water

Hygrometry Study of humidity

Ichthyology Study of fish

Insectology Study of insects

Linguistics Study of language

Meteorology Study of weather

Nephology Study of clouds

Nephrology Study of the kidneys

Numismatics Study of coins

Odontology Study of teeth

Oology Study of eggs

Ophiology Study of snakes

Ornithology Study of birds

Orthopterology Study of cockroaches

Osteology Study of bones

Otology Study of the ear

Palaeolimnology Study of ancient fish

Pathology Study and diagnosis of disease

Psychology Study of mental functions and behaviors

Seismology Study of earthquakes

Thermology Study of heat

Vermeology Study of worms

Xylology Study of wood

Zoology Study of animals

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